Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Adobe Lightroom Beta 3 for Windows

Very initial impressions and feedback: Lightroom looks like it's going to be awesome. I'd like to see some improvements for the Develop UI:
  1. All the sliders on the Develop panels need:
    • Check box to turn off adjustment and use default value
    • Plus and Minus buttons for small adjustments or make the the + and - keys do the work. Maybe Shift-+/- for bigger movements. The sliders are TOO impercise and typing in the value, too slow, because as soon as you hit enter, the focus is moved out of the box and you have to reposition to try a different value.
    • I couldn't figure out how to change the image size once I'm in develop mode. I assume if I make the image smaller the adjustment time will be FASTER and I'll spend less time looking at the "Working..." message. If I take the image to 100% and only want to see 10% of it to judge the affect of the adjustment on that 10%, I would like to see the "Working..." message take only 1/10 of the time.

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